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Parmi ces 15 Hit Films , lequel préfères tu ?
2011 Intouchables
Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance Empty11%Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance I_vote_rcap
 11% [ 24 ]
2010 Harry Potter et les Reliques de la Mort
Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance Empty8%Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance I_vote_rcap
 8% [ 16 ]
2009 Avatar
Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance Empty8%Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance I_vote_rcap
 8% [ 17 ]
2008 Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis
Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance Empty9%Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance I_vote_rcap
 9% [ 19 ]
2007 Ratatouille
Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance Empty6%Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance I_vote_rcap
 6% [ 12 ]
2006 Les Bronzés 3 - Amis pour la vie
Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance Empty5%Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance I_vote_rcap
 5% [ 10 ]
2005 Harry Potter et la Coupe de Feu
Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance Empty6%Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance I_vote_rcap
 6% [ 12 ]
2004 Les choristes
Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance Empty8%Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance I_vote_rcap
 8% [ 18 ]
2003 Le monde de Nemo
Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance Empty5%Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance I_vote_rcap
 5% [ 10 ]
2002 Astérix & Obélix : Mission Cléopâtre
Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance Empty5%Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance I_vote_rcap
 5% [ 11 ]
2001 Harry Potter à l’école des sorciers
Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance Empty7%Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance I_vote_rcap
 7% [ 14 ]
2000 Taxi 2
Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance Empty5%Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance I_vote_rcap
 5% [ 10 ]
1999 Astérix et Obélix contre César
Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance Empty5%Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance I_vote_rcap
 5% [ 11 ]
1998 Titanic
Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance Empty8%Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance I_vote_rcap
 8% [ 17 ]
1950 Autant en emporte le vent
Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance Empty5%Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance I_vote_rcap
 5% [ 10 ]
Autre ( préciser )
Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance Empty1%Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance I_vote_rcap
 1% [ 2 ]
Total des votes : 213
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 Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance

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2 participants
Moderatrice en chef
Moderatrice en chef

Sexe : Féminin
Nombre de posts : : 25176
Age : 58
Localisation : Provence
Emploi/loisirs : musique danse
Points : 37898
Date d'inscription : 14/04/2008

Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance Empty
MessageSujet: Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance   Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance Icon_minitime1Ven 29 Juil 2011 - 18:02

[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]

The American show dance, broadcast by Fox every Wednesday and Thursday of the summer: So You Think You Can Dance, has had the honor of having within its ranks a very special judge, the superstar of the moment LADY GAGA in the last week of July 2011.

A premium where there was also at his side the director Rob Marshall (Nine, Pirates of the Caribbean 4). Both with the usual two judges felt the program and the performance of eight pairs of dancers this Wednesday, July 27, 2011.

A Lady Gaga we had not seen on TV since June and was in his role as a judge: gentle, kind with candidates, praising them as the most generous available, or offering constructive criticism, the star is even putting on a performance to cry

Vidéo here >>> [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]

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Moderatrice en chef
Moderatrice en chef

Sexe : Féminin
Nombre de posts : : 25176
Age : 58
Localisation : Provence
Emploi/loisirs : musique danse
Points : 37898
Date d'inscription : 14/04/2008

Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance   Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance Icon_minitime1Sam 30 Juil 2011 - 17:58

The judge invited the show "So You Think You Can Dance" on July 27, Robbie Williams also took the opportunity to read his latest title The Edge of Glory.

Lady GaGa on the set is déchaîche watch the video

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martini maryse
Membre d'or
Membre d'or
martini maryse

Sexe : Féminin
Nombre de posts : : 9191
Age : 77
Localisation : cagnes sur mer
Emploi/loisirs : retraité
Points : 9318
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2010

Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance   Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance Icon_minitime1Dim 31 Juil 2011 - 6:46

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Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance   Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance Icon_minitime1

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Lady Gaga judge of So You Think You Can Dance
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