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2011 Intouchables
Magnitude 5.8 quake hits Virginia, felt in New York, Washington  Empty11%Magnitude 5.8 quake hits Virginia, felt in New York, Washington  I_vote_rcap
 11% [ 24 ]
2010 Harry Potter et les Reliques de la Mort
Magnitude 5.8 quake hits Virginia, felt in New York, Washington  Empty8%Magnitude 5.8 quake hits Virginia, felt in New York, Washington  I_vote_rcap
 8% [ 16 ]
2009 Avatar
Magnitude 5.8 quake hits Virginia, felt in New York, Washington  Empty8%Magnitude 5.8 quake hits Virginia, felt in New York, Washington  I_vote_rcap
 8% [ 17 ]
2008 Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis
Magnitude 5.8 quake hits Virginia, felt in New York, Washington  Empty9%Magnitude 5.8 quake hits Virginia, felt in New York, Washington  I_vote_rcap
 9% [ 19 ]
2007 Ratatouille
Magnitude 5.8 quake hits Virginia, felt in New York, Washington  Empty6%Magnitude 5.8 quake hits Virginia, felt in New York, Washington  I_vote_rcap
 6% [ 12 ]
2006 Les Bronzés 3 - Amis pour la vie
Magnitude 5.8 quake hits Virginia, felt in New York, Washington  Empty5%Magnitude 5.8 quake hits Virginia, felt in New York, Washington  I_vote_rcap
 5% [ 10 ]
2005 Harry Potter et la Coupe de Feu
Magnitude 5.8 quake hits Virginia, felt in New York, Washington  Empty6%Magnitude 5.8 quake hits Virginia, felt in New York, Washington  I_vote_rcap
 6% [ 12 ]
2004 Les choristes
Magnitude 5.8 quake hits Virginia, felt in New York, Washington  Empty8%Magnitude 5.8 quake hits Virginia, felt in New York, Washington  I_vote_rcap
 8% [ 18 ]
2003 Le monde de Nemo
Magnitude 5.8 quake hits Virginia, felt in New York, Washington  Empty5%Magnitude 5.8 quake hits Virginia, felt in New York, Washington  I_vote_rcap
 5% [ 10 ]
2002 Astérix & Obélix : Mission Cléopâtre
Magnitude 5.8 quake hits Virginia, felt in New York, Washington  Empty5%Magnitude 5.8 quake hits Virginia, felt in New York, Washington  I_vote_rcap
 5% [ 11 ]
2001 Harry Potter à l’école des sorciers
Magnitude 5.8 quake hits Virginia, felt in New York, Washington  Empty7%Magnitude 5.8 quake hits Virginia, felt in New York, Washington  I_vote_rcap
 7% [ 14 ]
2000 Taxi 2
Magnitude 5.8 quake hits Virginia, felt in New York, Washington  Empty5%Magnitude 5.8 quake hits Virginia, felt in New York, Washington  I_vote_rcap
 5% [ 10 ]
1999 Astérix et Obélix contre César
Magnitude 5.8 quake hits Virginia, felt in New York, Washington  Empty5%Magnitude 5.8 quake hits Virginia, felt in New York, Washington  I_vote_rcap
 5% [ 11 ]
1998 Titanic
Magnitude 5.8 quake hits Virginia, felt in New York, Washington  Empty8%Magnitude 5.8 quake hits Virginia, felt in New York, Washington  I_vote_rcap
 8% [ 17 ]
1950 Autant en emporte le vent
Magnitude 5.8 quake hits Virginia, felt in New York, Washington  Empty5%Magnitude 5.8 quake hits Virginia, felt in New York, Washington  I_vote_rcap
 5% [ 10 ]
Autre ( préciser )
Magnitude 5.8 quake hits Virginia, felt in New York, Washington  Empty1%Magnitude 5.8 quake hits Virginia, felt in New York, Washington  I_vote_rcap
 1% [ 2 ]
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 Magnitude 5.8 quake hits Virginia, felt in New York, Washington

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Sexe : Masculin
Nombre de posts : : 16731
Age : 46
Localisation : 25
Emploi/loisirs : Commerçant / Webmaster
Points : 17939
Date d'inscription : 28/10/2007

Magnitude 5.8 quake hits Virginia, felt in New York, Washington  Empty
MessageSujet: Magnitude 5.8 quake hits Virginia, felt in New York, Washington    Magnitude 5.8 quake hits Virginia, felt in New York, Washington  Icon_minitime1Mer 24 Aoû 2011 - 6:52

Washington » A
5.8 magnitude earthquake centered northwest of Richmond, Va., shook much
of Washington, D.C., and was felt as far north as Rhode Island and New
York City.

The U.S. Geological Survey said the
earthquake was 3.7 miles deep. Shaking was felt at the White House and
all over the East Coast, as far south as Chapel Hill, N.C.

At the U.S. Capitol, light fixtures swung and the building shook for about 15 seconds while the tremor hit, NBC News reported.

In New York City, NBC reported debris fell
from the attorney general’s office, causing a brief panic as people ran
from the area.

At Reagan National Airport outside
Washington, ceiling tiles fell during a few seconds of shaking.
Authorities announced it was an earthquake and all flights were put on

Parts of the Pentagon, White House and Capitol were evacuated. The quake was in Mineral, Va., in Louisa County.

Obama and many of the nation’s leaders were
out of town on August vacation when the quake struck at 1:51 p.m. EDT.
The shaking was felt on the Martha’s Vineyard golf course as Obama was
just starting a round.

The East Coast gets earthquakes, but usually smaller ones and is less prepared than California or Alaska for shaking.

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Magnitude 5.8 quake hits Virginia, felt in New York, Washington
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