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Parmi ces 15 Hit Films , lequel préfères tu ?
2011 Intouchables
MTV VMA 2011: who was the star of the evening ? Empty11%MTV VMA 2011: who was the star of the evening ? I_vote_rcap
 11% [ 24 ]
2010 Harry Potter et les Reliques de la Mort
MTV VMA 2011: who was the star of the evening ? Empty8%MTV VMA 2011: who was the star of the evening ? I_vote_rcap
 8% [ 16 ]
2009 Avatar
MTV VMA 2011: who was the star of the evening ? Empty8%MTV VMA 2011: who was the star of the evening ? I_vote_rcap
 8% [ 17 ]
2008 Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis
MTV VMA 2011: who was the star of the evening ? Empty9%MTV VMA 2011: who was the star of the evening ? I_vote_rcap
 9% [ 19 ]
2007 Ratatouille
MTV VMA 2011: who was the star of the evening ? Empty6%MTV VMA 2011: who was the star of the evening ? I_vote_rcap
 6% [ 12 ]
2006 Les Bronzés 3 - Amis pour la vie
MTV VMA 2011: who was the star of the evening ? Empty5%MTV VMA 2011: who was the star of the evening ? I_vote_rcap
 5% [ 10 ]
2005 Harry Potter et la Coupe de Feu
MTV VMA 2011: who was the star of the evening ? Empty6%MTV VMA 2011: who was the star of the evening ? I_vote_rcap
 6% [ 12 ]
2004 Les choristes
MTV VMA 2011: who was the star of the evening ? Empty8%MTV VMA 2011: who was the star of the evening ? I_vote_rcap
 8% [ 18 ]
2003 Le monde de Nemo
MTV VMA 2011: who was the star of the evening ? Empty5%MTV VMA 2011: who was the star of the evening ? I_vote_rcap
 5% [ 10 ]
2002 Astérix & Obélix : Mission Cléopâtre
MTV VMA 2011: who was the star of the evening ? Empty5%MTV VMA 2011: who was the star of the evening ? I_vote_rcap
 5% [ 11 ]
2001 Harry Potter à l’école des sorciers
MTV VMA 2011: who was the star of the evening ? Empty7%MTV VMA 2011: who was the star of the evening ? I_vote_rcap
 7% [ 14 ]
2000 Taxi 2
MTV VMA 2011: who was the star of the evening ? Empty5%MTV VMA 2011: who was the star of the evening ? I_vote_rcap
 5% [ 10 ]
1999 Astérix et Obélix contre César
MTV VMA 2011: who was the star of the evening ? Empty5%MTV VMA 2011: who was the star of the evening ? I_vote_rcap
 5% [ 11 ]
1998 Titanic
MTV VMA 2011: who was the star of the evening ? Empty8%MTV VMA 2011: who was the star of the evening ? I_vote_rcap
 8% [ 17 ]
1950 Autant en emporte le vent
MTV VMA 2011: who was the star of the evening ? Empty5%MTV VMA 2011: who was the star of the evening ? I_vote_rcap
 5% [ 10 ]
Autre ( préciser )
MTV VMA 2011: who was the star of the evening ? Empty1%MTV VMA 2011: who was the star of the evening ? I_vote_rcap
 1% [ 2 ]
Total des votes : 213
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 MTV VMA 2011: who was the star of the evening ?

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Moderatrice en chef

Sexe : Féminin
Nombre de posts : : 25176
Age : 58
Localisation : Provence
Emploi/loisirs : musique danse
Points : 37898
Date d'inscription : 14/04/2008

MTV VMA 2011: who was the star of the evening ? Empty
MessageSujet: MTV VMA 2011: who was the star of the evening ?   MTV VMA 2011: who was the star of the evening ? Icon_minitime1Lun 29 Aoû 2011 - 20:19

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The 28 edition of "MTV Video Music Awards" was held last night live from the Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles. The stars of the moment had made ​​an appointment to receive their prize (s), pay tribute to Britney Spears and Amy Winehouse, singing a few songs live, or simply announce their pregnancy. It was the event this Sunday, and Katy Perry is the winner
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MTV VMA 2011: who was the star of the evening ?
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